Friday, January 27, 2012

On the way down

With the amazingly dry and mild November and December....the arrival of the new year has brought the real deal weather of the Northwest.  Much of January was lost due to high water conditions and "snopacalypes" 2012.  I tried in vain to get out on the water during the snow but, the common sense of fishing partners and loved ones persuaded me to stay home.  Fortunately with the help of good friend Thomas (Beachmen Tying) and some time on the vise.  My winter steelhead box's are stock full and ready for the guide season and fun fishing.  I also took the time to go to the sportsmans show in Puyallup, it has been some time since I have attended the show and really not much has changed.  It is always good to run into a few guide friends that you only see on the water as well as check out any of the new boats and gear that may have come out. 

I have noticed in the last few years quite a change in development of boats and materials and there are a few new boat makers on the block with some really neat and innovative designs and materials.  So as I listened to reps and sales folks of these new boats I began to wonder.....what is the future of the drift boat? 

Generally there are 3 main material types:  Wood, Fiber Glass and Aluminum.  I have through the years owned lots of drift boats made of all different types of materials.  I appreciate the history of wood boats, love the versatility of glass boats and the durability of aluminum boats.  I have searched high and low for the magic boat that rows great, has lots of room, and does all that I need.  I will admit that I haven't found one yet, but I can say that I have appreciated the different things that each type of boat was good at. 

So the question on the table is:  What is the best type of drift boat and why? 

Next on tap.....I will be out on the water guiding and fishing as soon as levels will allow.  I have been couped up far to long and ready to get back to work.

"Tebowing" for Steelhead
I am not sure if your a football fan....I am when I have the time but really prefer to go and fish and play outside.  But unless you have been buried in a hole, you have heard of Tim Tebow.  I am not sure how good he is, but I do like how hard he competes.  I don't mind his exhibits of faith and applaud his courage for being so open about it, and he has spawned "Tebowing"  

Good buddy and Fellow Guide Chris was caught in this act and immortalized in the "Tebow"

Tight lines


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